
I don't remember when I first wanted to visit Seattle, but the urge has been there for some time. One of the best parts about moving west with Emily has been that we are closer to other places we want to explore like San Diego, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle. It was back in November that we decided to take the financial plunge and set up a visit to the great Pacific Northwest.

Just like many other cities on the West Coast, Seattle's public transportation isn't up to par with major cities back east, but it is walkable for the most part. Additionally, the neighborhood community is very strong, which is a big draw for me.

Besides having an amazing time with Emily, meeting up with a good friend from college, and exploring all that Seattle has to offer, I enjoyed the landscape the most. Seattle is green, lush, and just beautiful. From Mount Rainier to the fog to the water, the landscape is everything that I imagined and more.

Hopefully we get to spend some more time in Seattle in the future. It is a place that has a lot to offer.